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2003-03-31 - 10:05 p.m.

In a disturbing turn of events, my journals from 1996 to 2000 are missing. I was going to post a cop-out entry, a "happy list" that I wrote in 1997 when I was pretty depressed. You know, a list of random things that make me happy. In a few days I would sit down and see how the list could be edited. I don't have any idea where the journals could be. I probably stuck them somewhere random for safe keeping, and it will take a thorough turn out of my room before I dislodge them. I even checked under the bathroom sink. That would be just the place that I'd stick them. I'm pretty sure they made it here from California because I recall feelings of embarrasment and regret while reading through them last fall. I doubt I'll be able to sleep until I find them. It's more a fear of whose hands they might be in if not in mine. Aargh!

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