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2003-03-02 - 8:01 p.m.

Ugh. I have a headache. More specifically, I have a hangover. Last night I met my roommate at the restaurant where she works and had a few drinks. Then we went out after she got off work and had a few more. What was nice about it is we were hanging out with two people from the restaurant, a couple that moved from the Northwest with random tactics similar to ours. Perhaps I'll expound upon that for a minute.

My roommate and I had been friends in college but not the closest of friends. This past summer, she moved into the Compound, a college house that deserves its own entry, where I was living. When her post-college plans fell through and my desire to get the hell out of LA coincided, we decided to move.

It's liberating and a little terrifying to try to move for the sake of moving and not have any ties to a destination. We first considered Austin, but as I grew up in Dallas, Austin was somewhat familiar. Since we were considering this very random and arbitrary move, it wasn�t good enough to choose a city we already knew. We then decided it had to be near the ocean for my roommate�s desire to improve her diving certification. That brought brief visions of New Orleans, but that wasn�t quite right.

With the help of a Rand McNally road atlas and a bottle of booze, we discussed, with sparse background knowledge, the merits of various cities along the Gulf Coast. After rounding the tip of Florida, we worked our way up the East Coast. We randomly settled on a small city near the coast, and surprisingly, we actually moved there.

I haven�t decided if I�m going to specifically name this city, as it is small, and this is open to anyone that finds it. Also, (and this is a bit pathetic), the Simpsons are on, so I must dash. More later or tomorrow.

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