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May 19, 2003 - 10:22 a.m.

I haven't written in a while, and unfortunately, there's nothing interesting to say. I'm still in a bit of a funk. I never did escape this past weekend, and by Sunday, I was realizing that was a mistake. I can clear my head here better than some other places I've lived, but this is screaming out for a major cleanup. I don't want to roll on, week after week, feeling like crap. Oh, and it doesn't help that I've got either a mild summer cold or some allergic reaction. My sinuses have been throbbing for several days now, and I woke up to a puddle of snot on my pillow. (How's that for imagery?) Yep, I've been a happier camper in the past.

Unfortunately, I don't have any time to act as my own therapist right now because I'm supposed to be at work in 6 minutes. Ta ta for now!

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