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May 23, 2003 - 9:10 a.m.

I could have written yesterday, but I was being lazy. It was certainly a day to be lazy. I left the law office at 1:15, and my workday was over due to staff development at the library. Fortunately, I don�t qualify as �staff� there (yet!), so I was free to go by a vegetable stand then sit at home doing whatever the hell I wanted to. I tried to go bowling (a weird idea that popped into my head Wednesday night), but a middle school group had swamped the bowling alley, causing me to flee. I basically sat around the house playing on the internet, watching cheesy TV, and cooking. Inga tried to convince me to go out, but that was the first evening in quite a while that I had promised myself to sit by myself in the house and ignore the outside world. I was already pulling out of my slump a little bit, but I�m convinced that yesterday certainly helped. What�s glorious is that I have another Thursday just like it next week. If there�s sun, you�ll find me at Tybee Island, contributing to the aging of my skin. If not, maybe I�ll try bowling again. I don�t know why I�ve become obsessed with bowling.

I should really do some work, since I bothered to drag my ass out of bed this morning and get myself to work. I lay in bed this morning trying to convince my alarm clock that it was Saturday. It didn't work.

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