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July 17, 2003 - 10:50 a.m.

Not My Most Cheerful

I�m definitely lachrymose today. It�s one of about three days each year when I allow myself to be sad. Today, my mother would have been 56 years old.

This alone makes me sad, but it significantly heightens my reactions to sad stories in the news. This one about Hurricane Claudette�s effects almost made me cry. The first beaches I ever knew were on Galveston Island. They aren�t the world�s prettiest beaches, but to think of them being gone makes me inordinately sad.

The other one that has me upset is the Santa Monica market crash. That poor man. Those poor victims. Every aspect in this case is tragic to me. Can you imagine having 9 deaths on your conscience?

That�s it for now. I�m just not feeling up to writing more. Instead I think I�ll scour the news for other things to bring me to the brink of tears.

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