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July 21, 2003 - 9:27 p.m.

Slacking on a Monday Night

There are actually several things that I could be doing tonight, and instead I'm watching Twin Peaks and writing an entry.

Let's see, what am I neglecting? We're throwing a party two Saturdays from now, and there's party planning to be done. But I'm not doing it.

Actually the party is going to be a lot of fun. We're inviting almost everyone we've ever hung out with in this town, which adds up to 27 people or so. Not a bad collection of friends for 9 months in a new city. The best thing is I'm excited to see all of them, especially at our house.

What else? Oh, the book for the book group. We're meeting to discuss the book a week from tomorrow. I haven't even started it. I read fast, and I didn't want to read it too far away from our meeting date. However, with this party, I'm getting a little worried. I may have to actually cram for a book group meeting. How like college, trying to finish the required reading before class!

I guess that's really all I'm neglecting, although I'm sure I could come up with other things. Dinner smells like it's ready, so I'll vamoose.

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