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July 24, 2003 - 6:40 p.m.

Things I've Never Considered

I'm watching the Simpsons (the episode with the Gay Republican meeting, which I find hilarious, and better known as the episode when Moe gets a new face), and I see an ad for windows. Buy two windows, get one free. Buy four windows, get two free. They actually go through several permutations: 6, 3 free...10, 5 free. And it hits me: I've never considered purchasing windows before. I bought a car, I'm looking at computers, I've searched for health insurance, but I've never, even for one minute, thought about what sort of window I would buy. I'm pretty sure that's the sort of thing that I'd leave to a professional. I'd feel like an ass if I chose second-rate windows and it caused problems in my house.

Let's see what other things I can think up that I've never considered before. This may be a challenge, as I've never thought about them before.

Okay, here's one. Purchasing a mobile home. I've never thought that I'd live in one.

Um, who my favorite professional bowler is. I'm not a big fan of professional bowling, so I don't follow the sport.

What the best type of baby formula is. Almost everything having to do with babies is absolutely foreign to me.

Okay, I'm bored with this game. There are a million things I've never considered before, and I'm certainly not going to list them all here.

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