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July 26, 2003 - 10:08 a.m.

A Little Inebriated

Boy Howdy! I was drunk last night! I went to a party of Inga's old fling Mike. (Wow, we've been here long enough to have old flings hanging around.) The entire symphony crew was there, and although I was just planning on staying a couple of hours, I ended up staying until 2:30 when someone was able to drive my drunk ass home. Now my car is trapped in front of his house, but it's better than me trying to drive my drunk ass home.

I don't think I embarrassed myself too much, although that's the question every morning after a night of drinking. Ricardo put on some Latin music, and everyone started dancing with everyone. I wasn't the most graceful at moments, but I think I held my own.

My hair is insane, and I have to go to the library soon. Perhaps I should take a bath, rather than write in my diary. How boring am I!

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