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September 08, 2003 - 9:42 p.m.

Vacation's Over

I'm sorry to say that I'm back home. I just spent 3 days hanging out with my best friend (and her family and husband)on the beautiful beaches of Pensacola Beach. It took me 8 hours to get there and back, making me decide to be really bad and skip class today. I'm exhausted now, because I forgot about the time difference between Pensacola and here, so I had to drive like a bat out of hell to make it to work tonight. I managed to only be 15 minutes late to work.

It was one of those weekends that reaffirms that my ideas on who are truly friends aren't just bullshit ideas. I was really stressed out before going down that things would be weird, especially because I didn't have the most positive thoughts about her husband. He's French, and the last time I saw him, I think we were all a little tense. He was in unfamiliar territory in California with us, and things were just weird. This time, though, he had his friend Regis with him, and he was much more relaxed. I can see why she likes him so much.

Friends are people who, after not talking for two years, are just as wonderful and fun to be around as ever. I don't want to wait another two years to see her, but it's so nice to know that our friendship isn't the worse for wear.

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