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September 12, 2003 - 3:36 p.m.

The Destructive Power of Information

My English professor kept alluding to her husband. Her syntax made me think he was dead. I knew his name was Jim. I knew he was a poet. It turns out, with a little library search and internet search, he was James Dickey, the poet and author of Deliverance, most notably. My professor was his second wife, a 24-year-old student of his that he married 6 weeks after his first wife died. She turns out to have been addicted to heroin throughout most of their marriage, culminating in an arrest in 1991.

It's going to be weird to see her on Tuesday with all these sordid details about her past. She seems like such a normal person, but there are some demons lurking around her.

I probably didn't need to know that my English professor was a violent drug addict. Information can be dangerous.

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