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September 17, 2003 - 10:47 a.m.

Not Much Happening

I'm busy with school, I just started a new diet, and I'm in the two week countdown to by 25th birthday.

Some would ask why I would start a diet before my birthday. Because I suck at starting diets, and now was as good a time as any. The hardest thing about this one (South Beach diet, for anyone who gives a rat's ass) is that I can't drink at all in this initial two week segment. This is not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but it has become a staple of my social life, and it will be interesting to see how I manage this. Needless to say, I'm taking my birthday off.

Not much worthwhile to say about school. It's going along. I bombed a test yesterday, which is a bad feeling. Fortunately, I have another test coming up next Wednesday where I can reclaim my confidence. And then there's a paper and another test on the following Tuesday, and then... Yes, things are busy.

Oh, I just finished a great book last night: Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. He's becoming a favorite author for me. I read Into the Wild earlier this year and thought it was very interesting. This second book is an account of the disasterous climing season in 1996 on Mt. Everest, and it was riveting. I wasn't going to finish it, as it was due back to the library. I finally read far enouh that I couldn't put it down. I have a hold placed on Under the Banner of Heaven, Krakauer's most recent book about murder and Mormons. Three friends have read it and say it's great.

I have to go read our country's constitution before class. Woo hoo!

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