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September 18, 2003 - 6:25 p.m.

Hurricane Isabel

I feel forsaken. Isabel passed up the Georgia coast to hit North Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay region. What am I going to do with 5 gallons of drinking water? I guess I can store it for the next hurricane or something boring like that.

I just got an email from a friend in the DC area, and he said he's off work today and tomorrow because of Isabel. He spent most of the day reading The DaVinci Code and claims that it's a slightly stronger wind and more rain that normal, but nothing too bad.

I finally experienced a decent earthquake about 5 days before I moved away from California. I want to experience a moderate hurricane (no Category 5 monsters!) before leaving. Unfortunately, I may have to move to the Outer Banks or some other hurricane prone area. Savannah only rates a 7.1 on some threat scale, where Jacksonville and Charleston both rate 9's.

Last night my roommate and I went out to Tybee Island to check out the surf. It was a little more active than normal, but nothing spectacular like 10 foot waves. I really feel neglected by this hurricane.

I'm going to dash off to watch the national news and see what's happening currently. At least I can live vicariously.

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