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September 20, 2003 - 3:05 p.m.

Being a Barfly Pays Off

It's Saturday afternoon, and I really ought to get some schoolwork done. I have two papers due on Tuesday. Instead, I keep replaying conversations that I had with this guy last night.

He sat down next to me at the bar. Inga was talking to an old man sitting next to her, and I couldn't hear well enough to be interested in the conversation. So this guy started talking to me, and it was really nice. He was intelligent and interesting, although slightly on the conservative side politically and very career-oriented. We grabbed a bite to eat at about 12:30 and then talked until 3:30 in the morning. He drove me home, we exchanged numbers, he commented on how we could probably talk for another 6 hours, and I was so energized that I stayed up until 5:00 am.

I don't know if I'm interested in him romantically, but it was such a turn on to connect intellectually with him. I'd say it's certain that I'll have a new friend now, and that's wonderful. The slight possibility that it might turn into something more is enticing, though.

I've been happy all day. It's a really good feeling. I should strive to be this happy more often.

The question now becomes, do I call him or do I wait for him to call? If I call him, how long am I supposed to wait? 3 days? I just don't know. Damned silly games, but there's a message being sent with the timing of a phone call. I'm not sure yet what message I want to send, but I suppose I should figure it out quickly.

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