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September 22, 2003 - 11:03 a.m.

Post First-Date Wrapup

I didn't really need to stress about calling Rob like I did in my last entry. He called me on Saturday night. I missed the call, so I called him on Sunday. After brief phone tag, I got to talk to him, and he asked me out to dinner. Because this was the first date that I've been on since 2001, I am going to record it here as best as I can remember. Feel free to find something more interesting to read.

He picked me up last night after I spent half an hour fretting (got ready too early and had to call a friend to calm down.) First thing he took me to see a tree out off LaRoche that we had talked about Friday night. It must be 200 years old. The branches have grown all the way to the ground. It's amazing. Then we went to dinner at the restaurant where Inga used to work. That was nice. Not too expensive and a decent enough atmosphere. We had some good conversations during dinner.

After dinner, he gave me the options of getting drinks somewhere or finding ice cream and going out to the beach. I chose the latter. We grabbed a sheet from my house and headed out to the beach. It was probably about 10:30 when we got there. We didn't leave until 4:00 am. We saw Orion rise. We saw the crescent moon rise. We watched the tide come in. We talked about ourselves and our families, our pasts and our aspirations. We spent over 9 hours together.

He's fairly different from me. He's conservative (but open-minded). He doesn't like vegetables. He likes go-carts. He interrupts sometimes. But he's really nice, and I have the feeling this could be going somewhere.

We didn't kiss, however. We barely even touched. He made some comment that there are some things where he feels he must be invited to take action rather than doing what he wants. I didn't get clarification, and I probably should have. With me being as awkward as I am, I didn't know what to do when he finally dropped me off. In retrospect, I should have at least given him a hug. I'm reluctant to look like an overeager fool, though.

I'm already scared of being hurt, and the relationship hasn't even begun yet. This is depressing. I should just go for it. I didn't know him before last Friday, so it's not like I'd be losing a long-time friend.

I shouldn't stress about this yet. Once it looks like there might be a relationship to be had, then I can deal with it. Instead, I'll just plan on going out on Wednesday or Thursday with him. My sleep is going to suffer if we have another 9 hour date, though!

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