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July 16, 2005 - 7:04 p.m.

The House Search

We have spent two afternoons driving around Savannah. Yesterday was the Southside, and today was Pooler and Bloomingdale. We found a little house with a pool yesterday that we were quite fond of, only to call and find out it was under contract. I need to steel myself for disappointments like that. I quite like a house down towards Skidaway in a wooded area near a marsh. I don't think Rob likes it so much. He really prefers to be inland, in Pooler or even beyond. I only want to be out there if I REALLY love the house and the land, and so far, what we've seen in our price range isn't much to love.

What's my phrase again? "It's only a starter home." My great fear is that the housing market will turn south and when we want to get out of this "starter home", we won't be able to without taking a loss. We keep talking about holding out for a gem, but what happens if there are no real gems? I need patience that I'm not sure exists within me.

And at the same time that we're doing all this, I have to finish my summer school semester work. Urg!

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