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May 13, 2003 - 11:38 p.m.

I'm doing better than when I wrote my last entry. I don't think I'll ever be able to read that one without bawling. Fifteen years without my mother has dulled the loss a bit, but there are certain trigger days that bite me in the ass.

I've wanted to write about the weekend for a few days now, so I guess I'd better do that. It was a musical weekend for Inga and me. Friday night we saw a great female blues singer/guitarist named Liz Melendez. We followed that on Friday with a performance of the Arts on the River Symphony, made up of former Savannah Symphony members (whoops, I was just blatant about which "small southern city" I was writing from. It was getting too hard to talk around it anyway.) They played a nice selection of classical and popular arrangements. It was another picnic for us, too. We ended the night at the dreadful Savannah Smiles. It was the low point of the weekend musically.

Sunday we got to see our friends in ARTillery Punch. I enjoyed it, but an outside venue with people walking in front of the seating area is a bit distracting from the music. They're doing well in the Savannah area, even being interviewed on Georgia Public Radio. They were followed by a Scottish drum and pipe group. That was remarkably powerful music, one bagpiper and 5 or so drums.

The evening found us back listening to the Arts on the River Symphony with a thunderstorm imminent. They made it through the National Anthem and two other selections before they decided to cut to the chase, or rather the 1812 Overture, complete with cannons. The storm clouds got darker and closer, adding to the drama of the music. The evening was supposed to end with Sousa's Stars and Stripes with fireworks, so they pushed it up about an hour. As soon as the music was over, the sky opened up and water gushed forth. The fireworks continued, though, so we huddled under blankets and umbrellas to finish watching it. Once the fireworks stopped, the rain had basically stopped as well. We were wet, though, and it was time to warm up in a nice English-style pub.

So that was the weekend. Work-wise, there's a new woman at the law office who quite possibly will drive me mad or drive me to tears. She's in her late 40s, unmarried, still hoping to find a husband, and she has an unhealthy obsession with Pierce Brosnan. Do all old maids develop unhealthy obsessions with celebrities? It scares me sometimes when I see someone like that. I'm becoming more and more convinced that I will be 48 and living only with 5 cats. So that's the bad news about work, that I'm now working with a sad woman whose life is my greatest fear.

The good news (possibly) comes from the library. There's a job opening for an Assistant Librarian at the main branch. I'm certainly going to apply, and I would like to think that I have a decent chance of getting it. It's the next step up, a step I'm overqualified for and will be underpaid for, but if it means I can start working my way up in the library, I'll work for the pennies they offer. And health insurance would be a nice thing again. When I was ill with that awful kidney infection a few weeks ago, I was convinced that I had kidney stones that would require surgery that I wouldn't be able to afford. The stress I dumped on myself that week probably didn't help my healing process.

Hmm. That's about it, I guess. There are more things floating around in my head, but I'm too tired to write about them.

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