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2003-03-28 - 2:16 p.m.

Today is going to be just a plain old journal entry. How boring of me. The problem is I damaged a few brain cells last night at the American Legion. It was a particularly stupid thing to do on a Thursday night, seeing as I had to go to work this morning at 8:30. With bars closing at 3:00 am here, it's really easy to stay out too late. Last night was really fun, though. The symphony crowd was there, and they're great people. With the symphony defunct, it's interesting to hear how everyone is trying to stay busy. We also got into a discussion with two of the women about what it's like to be married. It seems to be working for them, but I'm so very far away from anything like that. Hell, I haven't dated anyone in 2 years!

I'm easily distracted today. I was just staring out the window watching my new neighbor rubber cement pieces of glass to the top of her fence. Apparently her house was broken into last night. I feel sorry for the girl, since she's only been here since last Saturday. My roommate and I were very positive about the neighborhood, saying that we've never had any problems (in the whopping six months we've been here). We're on the second floor, though. I don't plan on living on the ground floor anywhere in this city. Somehow I doubt her rubber cemented glass is going to be much of a deterrence.

I should go to the library now. I'd rather just stretch out on the couch and watch Lone Star. Maybe later. I also have an insane craving for enchiladas. I wish I could do something about that now. Again, maybe later. Wow, it sounds like I've got a thrilling Friday night shaping up. Enchiladas on the couch. What more could a girl ask for?

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