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2003-03-25 - 11:25 a.m.

I never did finish describing Saint Patrick�s Day. After the parade, we met up with some friends, and the first words out of John�s mouth were �Do we want to get hammered?� I was very wet from tromping around in the rain, and I really just wanted to go home. However, my purse was at the house where we had breakfast, and I had no money. For some reason, I was okay with drinking on other people�s tabs, but asking for cab fare home didn�t seem cool. So I stayed and drank.

It turned into a really fun day, despite my early complaints. We went to several bars, had lots of cheap beer, ate some junk food. Oh, and we danced in this square to cheesy 70s songs at 2:00 in the afternoon. That�s a weird feeling, being tipsy and in the mood to dance in broad daylight surrounded by absolute strangers. One of the girls we were with kept dancing with these senior citizens. John had a digital camera, so there are plenty of pictures to embarrass her with. There was a great drag queen out with us too. It definitely was an atmosphere of �anything goes�. We heard about 15 minutes of a pretty good blues band, then we headed off to the English pub.

We got to meet some of the pipers and their friends at the English pub. John should have a picture of me kissing a bald head of a Jersey City cop, on which is painted a shamrock. So even I have some embarrassing pictures out there. After that, we went to our favorite dive bar, stayed for one PBR, then went home. After retrieving my purse, I was in bed and asleep by 10:30. I guess that�s what drinking since 10:00 am will do to you.

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