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2003-03-11 - 10:31 a.m.

I�m trying to get used to the public aspect of Diaryland. Almost every time I post something, some stranger wanders by my site and reads the crap I�ve written. I truly doubt I�ll end up on anyone�s �favorite diary� list, but whatever. Hello to all you strangers out there!

Hmm. Yesterday I started an entry about how dissatisfied I am with my law office job right now. It�s grunt work that a trained monkey could do, except for the phone calls. I don�t think monkeys, even trained ones, could deal with these phone calls. I hate the phone calls. It�s my job to take the initial med-mal calls (that�s medical malpractice, if I haven�t explained that before), and they range from inanely stupid to utterly depressing. �My doctor looked at me funny-like, and I wanna sue him.� Well, good for you. Go find some other attorney. Don�t waste my time. The sad cases are making me more conscious of how little I take care of myself, though. I really don�t want to end up in a nursing home, reliant on others to bathe and feed me. I�m 24, and I can already feel the tendrils of age wrapping around me.

Okay, now I�m depressed.

On to more cheery things. I came home with some great books last night from the library. Jeffery Steingarten put together a great collection of his food essays from Vogue and called it The Man Who Ate Everything, published in 1997. He�s got a new book out, It Must�ve Been Something I Ate. I can�t wait to dive into it. I also got a Texas cookbook, which I�m hoping will provide some memories of home.

I have an abrasion between my index and middle fingers. This is an incredibly irritating spot, especially when I�m trying to type. The supplies in the office first aid kit are limited to some burn cream, a few small packets of gauze, and some safety scissors. I guess I�m cool if I get a burn, but heaven help me if anything else should befall me here. Stupid law office.

I can�t seem to remain on positive subject matter for very long. Dumb Tuesday.

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