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July 06, 2003 - 11:23 p.m.

I've been toodling around Diaryland this evening. I haven't done that in a while. Good stuff out there, familiar stuff out there, incredibly adolescent stuff out there (but what I would have done for an outlet like this in high school!) Anyway, it's good to read that others are writing about as mundane crap as I.

Let's see...

Mundane fact #1:

Tonight is the end of the glorious 3 day Independence Day weekend. Inga's sisters were visiting from NYC. That was very cool. It's always fascinating to see a close friend around her siblings. Family relationships in general fascinate me, seeing how certain character traits are passed from parent to offspring or shared between siblings... just another thing to entertain the amateur psychologist within me.

Mundane Fact #2:

I haven't written yet about the wedding. I spent so much time writing about my stupid little obsession with the guy that I met that I never addressed the things brought up by that wedding. They are: my attitude on weddings, family relations, and the Big Family Drama. I'm too tired to attempt any of them, but I'll make sure to cover those this week at some point.

Mundane Fact #3:

Today was a friend's birthday. I've written about her before here. It's the girl in the relationship described in that entry. I called her today out of obligation, and I really didn't want to talk to her. The last time I actually spoke with her was in February. The lack of communication doesn't really bother me, except that I'm still expected to stay in touch with her because we appeared to be really good friends for a while. I also addressed this issue here in #4 . I think I've become too demanding with my friendships. She hasn't lived up to a friend standard that I have floating around in my head, and rather than discuss it with her, I give up on her. I used to feel bad about this. Now I feel indifferent. Oh well, things change, life goes on, blah blah blah.

I hate to end this scintillating discussion here, but it is about to officially become Monday, and much as I hate to admit it, I have to be at work in the morning. Best wishes to the few that read my egocentric ramblings.

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